Mar 14, 2010

This Mother's Day, enjoy your day and allow yourself to feel special. Realise the invaluable contribution you make to the lives of your children and allow them, in their special way, to show how thankful they are for all you do for them. Soak up their attention and enjoy the cuddles, hugs, kisses, and special treats they bestow upon you! Most of all, enjoy the opportunity to relax on your special Mother’s Day.

Mother's Day celebrations date back to the times of ancient Greeks. While it was celebrated in a small way during that time, it gained popularity and momentum in the early 19th...

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Mar 08, 2010

As we celebrate International Women’s Day today, 8th March, a new online resource provided by Empowering Mumpreneurs has been launched to enable working mums who face the challenging task of coping with the day to day reality of running a business, supporting a family and managing a home to seek professional support from an experienced and qualified professional coach.  Empowering Mumpreneurs now provides online coaching to help women focus on and develop their business, whilst encouraging, motivating and inspiring them to succeed!

International Women's Day is a global day that...

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Jan 11, 2010

1. Commit to your goal
Choose what you really want to achieve and believe that you can accomplish it.

2. Be realistic
The key is continued motivation. If you set the bar too high, you risk failing.

3. Write it down
A simple yet powerful technique that generates commitment and drive. Write your goal on a piece of paper and stick it where you’ll see it daily.

4. Make an action plan
Decide how to achieve your goal. Write down all the steps you aim to complete in order to conquer your ambition.

5. Be flexible
Not everything will go to plan. Don’t be too rigid else the first minor...

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Dec 26, 2009

Empowering Mums is proud to announce the launch of its new, fresh and dynamic website, developed with you – our fantastic mums – in mind!

Our new-look website contains a lot of the information found on our previous site but now contains so much more to support you on your journey towards achieving confidence, balance and joy, including:

  • More Personal Coaching Options: Empowering Mums now offers a range of new coaching programmes including 1-2-1 and online coaching. We provide tailored coaching programmes to suit the many requirements, preferences and budgets of today’s...
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